Acceptance Featured society transgender

Why Allies Are Important

May 17, 2021

Why are allies so important? Because most days I don’t feel like killing myself, but some days I do.

Work Update………..

The teacher I spoke of on Tuesday came by this morning. She politely asked to speak to me and began apologizing almost immediately upon entering my room. I thanked her and apologized as well. She was quite concerned and confused so I took a deep breath and explained the bigger picture, all of it, down to the lounge conversation about transgender health care rights that took place 3-4 years ago.

We talked for about ten minutes, trying as much as possible to clear the air and see eye to eye. Which can be difficult with both of us on different sides of issues such as transgender rights. What impressed me the most was that she asked to be educated after admitting that she did not have a good understanding of the transgender community.

What depressed me the most was that yesterday while working with my therapist I realized I don’t think I have the ability to remain emotionally detached right now when it comes to transgender issues. I am honestly at a spot where I am really struggling with my mental health. While I have never attempted suicide, it is scary how often I contemplate it. And just admitting that I think about it is terrifying as well.

Thus sadly when the teacher expressed interest in being educated I had to apologize and admit that I am not in a healthy place to be able to educate. She wants to grapple with the issues. She wants to explain her point of view. She wants to argue, and ultimately she wants to possibly change her mind. I do believe she wants to change her mind, but not without good reason to. Not without being convinced. My sheer existence and example of living and working has taught her much apparently and I think she is almost ready. I told her that sadly I would not be in a healthy mental spot to help her for another 2 or 3 years, without potentially ending up in tears.

This is kind of the hard thing that insurance plans like mine create. It falls on our shoulders to pay for our own care and educate the public at the same time as to why that is really really harsh.

*** So why won’t I feel up to the educational task for another 2-3 years? Well I thought I was until I realized recently just how emotionally on the edge of things I truly am. Mainly this is because at this point in my transition I can finally admit how deeply I hate a certain part of my anatomy. Thus with that admittance comes lots of understanding of how miserable I am most of the time, simply because of my body. Oh and the joy of realizing also that is what I have been feeling for pretty much my entire life. Lovely. Okay if you have not been keeping up, I will be getting that taken care of, out of my own pocket, in June of 2022. Generally speaking it will take about a year or so after that to be basically out of recovery, if there are no large complications. Okay, then at that point I can hopefully have my gender dysphoria so minimized that it no longer is something that haunts me. That’s kind of the point of a transition. While many of you think I have completed my transition simply because I now appear as me, the reality is that it is more like I am in the middle of this thing feeling as though I am desperately fighting for my life. I WILL survive this thing called dysphoria and I will be better for admitting my reality and working through all of this. But just not yet. Almost, but not yet. So please have some patience and understanding.

K? Thanks! Love you!

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  • Reply Connie May 17, 2021 at 2:58 am

    You’re right to take care of yourself first, and foremost, Kelly. It’s not our responsibility to explain ourselves or to educate others. Nobody, but a transgender person, can conceptualize gender dysphoria. When pressed, I always ask the person how often they’ve ever thought about their own gender. The answer is hardly ever. I then tell them, simply, that a transgender person with gender dysphoria is aware of it, if only subconsciously most of the time, all day and every day. If the only known treatment is medical intervention, then the treatment is as legitimate as any other, and, as such, should be covered under a health insurance policy.

    I live in the state of Washington. The governor, just the other day, ordered that any health insurance policies issued in the state must cover trans-related care. Of course, the taxes in this state have made it almost in-affordable for me to continue living here, but I just might wait long enough so that I can leave a more-complete woman. 😉

    • Reply Kelly May 20, 2021 at 2:15 am

      Hi Connie!

      Thanks for commenting. I agree with your thoughts on dysphoria. It is so hard to explain, basically it is not really possible, lol. I also super agree with you about being aware of gender 24/7, it is super frickin annoying!! Ahck!! So, um, yeah, surgery! Yay!

  • Reply Philippa Kearn May 19, 2021 at 5:16 pm

    With my bottom surgery booked for the 5th of June I totally know where you are coming from. It is not the surgery that causes me concern but getting to that point. Any set backs can cause my mental health to take a nose dive. Hopefully we will both come out the other side.

    • Reply Kelly May 20, 2021 at 2:18 am

      Oh babe, good luck on your upcoming surgery! Woo-Hoo! And yeah, getting there is so for sure going to be the battle. Ugh. I wish you my absolute best in making it to yours, and everything that will come after that!

  • Reply Katya May 21, 2021 at 11:39 am

    Hi Kelly,
    Happy hank I stopped by to check your blog again. Thank you for sharing your inner turmoil. Sending hugs and love your way.

  • Reply Karen Elizabeth May 22, 2021 at 3:34 pm

    I just want to send a big hug……
    The dysphoria demons are alive and thriving in me also….thank goodness for great therapists. Be kind to yourself , girl♥️

  • Reply Lynn May 28, 2021 at 5:33 pm

    I’m sorry that dysphoria is hitting you so hard at the moment! That sucks. Could you consider sending your co-worker to a group like the one in FB, @So you want to learn more about transgender issues? (or some name like that) All the trans folks there have explicitly signed on to participate in educational interactions with cis people who want to learn. It’s really difficult work, and I have so much respect for you for knowing and defending your own boundaries. Many hugs for you, Kelly xox

  • Reply Kim June 4, 2021 at 5:59 am

    I could feel the emotional exhaustion you experienced. Long, uphill journeys are exhausting, without having to drag along the extra weight of other people’s misconceptions.

  • Reply Julie September 5, 2021 at 7:11 pm

    Hi Kelly ~ I realized today that my RSS reader wasn’t updating certain blogs – and I realize how many I had missed of yours. I’m glad you choose to take care of yourself. It’s not your responsibility to educate others – as someone who is cis it’s my job to educate myself. You are a HUGE part of that education – simply living and being and sharing your life with me, a total stranger, through your blog and instagram. I am so very thankful for you. You are making a significant difference in my life. ~ Julie

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