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Featured marriage

My Awesome Wife

July 11, 2020

I read a quote the other day that perfectly describes my wife: Startling as it is, all of these feelings and more can live inside someone whom, to you, seems like the most brilliant, competent, strong, and compassionate human being you know. Uhm, yup, that is a quote about Jodie.  Well most of you don’t know about what that first part might be referring to, but I do.  Other than that, that last part, about being brilliant and such, yeah,…

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getting things done marriage society

New Piercing

December 28, 2019

One of my friends recently had her ears pierced, again, for like the fourth or fifth time, on each ear. Maybe I’m exaggerating, which would not surprise me. It was awhile ago that she got her piercings so my memory is a little fuzzy on all of the precise details. What I do remember is thinking how strange it was that I only had my standard piercings. What’s a standard piercing? In my limited view of piercings, the standard piercings…

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Acceptance coming out Featured friends marriage society transgender


November 30, 2019

I am going to try this post and see how it goes.  My mission is to try and retell the events, without making too much of a judgement.  That is going to be hard, as I am clearly judging this person, and what happened, however I’d really prefer for it to be a learning experience instead of a ripping experience.  I honestly don’t know if that is going to be possible.  So then why try?  Well, I am an educator…

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Acceptance coming out Featured marriage society transgender


October 26, 2019

Okay so the photos are horrible. Apparently my wife and I specialize in blurry photos! Ha! However, the day was not horrible. I spent the morning teaching my middle schoolers and then we jetted up to UC Merced. I gave my TG presentation detailing my decision to transition and afterwards we both fielded questions from the students. The professor there is amazing and he sent me a link to his student responses to our discussion. Here are a few of…

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Acceptance coming out discovery friends marriage society

Transition & The Loss of Friends

May 15, 2019

One of the most challenging questions I have had to deal with is trying to determine if I have lost friends because of my transition.  I am a member of a chat board called and on that board people are very fond of saying that when you transition you need to be prepared to lose everyone and everything and thus they do not recommend transitioning unless it is a life and death situation.  That sentiment scared me off from…

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Acceptance discovery hormones marriage transexual transgender

What? Hormones Were Life Changing?

January 1, 2019

Recently (who am I kidding, it was months ago!) a reader of this blog, Stana, a most awesome blogger herself, asked for me to expand on this section of one of my posts: Hormones – This one was life changing for me.  It really opened my eyes to my reality.  I laugh at who I thought I was prior to last July and changing my hormones to the right ones. Changing my hormones did many things for me.  Physically they…

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Acceptance getting things done marriage society work

Mental Fortitude

August 20, 2018

Recently I was questioned by a dear friend as to why it appears as though I have discontinued my blogging.  My response – mental fortitude.  Shall we take a moment and look at the definition of that phrase? mental and emotional strength in facing difficulty, adversity, danger, or temptation courageously: Never once did her fortitude waver during that long illness. So, um, yeah, that is what has been going on with me.  I like the part of that definition that adds the word…

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