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Wait, What, I made it to 6 Months?

June 25, 2021

Guess what today is?

Just the longest time I have ever gone without nicotine since I was 12.


I love that I quit as a result of my transition. It has caused my life to be so wonderful that I actually want to live.

That’s fairly huge.

Thanks for being here. I appreciate your help. All of you!

Being as this is my blog, I’ll give you a little something extra than I did with this post on FB. I went to the dump the other day and dropped off a huge load of yard waste. It was super difficult. I was exhausted and bloody. The oak tree branches I had loaded and then unloaded had scratched my arms up worse than an attack by wild cats.

I stopped at a gas station on the way home and started filling up our F150. I don’t normally drive that truck much anymore as it is the smoking vehicle. Jodie still smokes so she drives it mostly. Anywho, I started cleaning out the truck and that was when I found it, a cigarette and a lighter right next to each other. They gleamed up at me and said hi!

So yeah it’s been six months since I have had any nicotine, but I was a smoker for a lot longer than that. I first smoked when I was about 12 years old. I quit last December. That means I smoked for roughly 37 years or so. Damn! Yes six months is impressive, but did I want that cigarette when I found it? Oh yes! Yes I did. I wanted it bad. So bad.

I picked them both up, held them in my hand and felt their power. I took the photo, grabbed the cigarette, grabbed the lighter and threw them into the trash. Well not the lighter, that’s just wasteful, lol. As I watched the cigarette fly into the garbage can I swore I heard in my voice a super pissed off voice yell “you bitch!”

Love you!

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  • Reply Kim June 25, 2021 at 2:26 pm

    I am lucky. I was too much of a jock to smoke regularly…it cut into my wind. I was more of a saturday night smoker, burning up a pack of Marlboro with a 12 pack of been. But then my Dad suffered a major heart attack, lingered for days, then was gone. A lifelong addiction to cigarettes and cigars caught up with him at age 63.

    I know nicotine is a powerful drug. I have siblings who smoked for decades. Alas, two died from lung cancer and a third struggles with COPD.

    I was barely an adult at that time, just 21 and I had watched my Dad and his friends succumb to premature death at the hands of tobacco. I quit what little smoking I did right then. Now, so many decades later, I’m grateful that I didn’t follow Dad’s example.

  • Reply Naty July 19, 2021 at 7:59 pm

    Good thing you have voluntarily thrown that cigarette away. Time is relative but more important than six months without smoking, it is what you have gained in that time. And not only in health but in willpower (the same you used to throw away cigarettes). Good for you, you are an example for those who want to achieve what you have already achieved. Keep it up.

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