getting things done marriage society

New Piercing

December 28, 2019

One of my friends recently had her ears pierced, again, for like the fourth or fifth time, on each ear. Maybe I’m exaggerating, which would not surprise me. It was awhile ago that she got her piercings so my memory is a little fuzzy on all of the precise details. What I do remember is thinking how strange it was that I only had my standard piercings.

What’s a standard piercing? In my limited view of piercings, the standard piercings would be the usual place of pierced ears, the lower part of the ear lobe. Did I ever mention before that the first one I did was when I was in high school? I stabbed it with a hat pin about two or three times, but I could never shove the earring through the resultant holes. So I went to a mall shop and had them use the piercing gun. About a year later, I had a second one placed above the first.

Sorry about my ear black heads! Ick!

However, it took about another twenty years before I pierced the left one. You gotta remember I was a teen in the eighties. That was back when the rumor was that if you pierced your left ear, that meant you were gay, but the right one meant you were straight. And yes, I seriously had people come up to me and make a production of asking about which ear was pierced. So, yeah, about twenty years later I pierced the left one, and pierced it again a year or two after.

Which meant, I had two holes in each lower portion of my lobes. Thrilling, right? Egads, I write a real page turner of a blog! Haha……… Okay, whatevs…….

Jodie mentioned to me a couple of days ago that she was going in to have some of her piercings replaced as they had fallen out. I chose to go with her, and with much trepidation, I had the upper portion of my ear pierced, as you can see above. I really like how it looks!

Okie, dokie!

Love you!

Love yourselves!


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1 Comment

  • Reply Karen Elizabeth Johnston December 30, 2019 at 3:49 pm

    Love your blog, girl!
    You are a real shining star in our community👍❤️

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